Are you currently struggling with severe neck pain? Are you fed up with using pain medication to simply disguise the pain? The painkillers prescribed by your physician can never fully eradicate your discomfort and may eventually result in dependency and addiction.
Let me tell you, there are far more effective approaches to treat and potentially cure severe neck pain. Acupressure treatments and Pressure Point Therapy have been used in classic Chinese medicine for centuries. Similar to acupuncture but without worrying about needles, Pressure Point Therapy takes advantage of acupressure trigger points to help in healing by releasing tension in muscles and by allowing for an increase in blood flow and circulation. While acupuncture works by utilizing needles, acupressure and pressure point therapy use differing degrees of pressure on the trigger points instead. Merely deploying the proper amount of pressure to appropriate trigger points can help alleviate discomfort and pain promptly.
Getting to be an expert in acupressure and pressure point therapy can take years of research and practice, but there are many resources available in print and online where you can learn techniques that you can take advantage of from the comfort of your own home. For example, a trigger point located on the back of the hand between the knuckles of the first and middle finger can be used to provide relief for severe neck pain. By understanding how to apply the correct amount of pressure to the right spot, you can alleviate your pain without ever needing to take another pain pill.
The best way to experience the benefits of acupressure treatments is to visit and speak with an expert or specialist. A wonderful place to begin is with a nearby chiropractor.Many chiropractic professionals today offer acupressure and pressure point therapy. A great illustration of this is Meadville Chiropractor Dr. Cory Altabet, author of Hands on Pain Relief, Turn your Hands into Painkillers, who is renowned for his ability to blend conventional chiropractic adjustments with acupressure and pressure point therapy.
In this time of modern medicine and healthcare, it is often too easy to take another pain pill and hope the pain subsides. Don't be this person. If you are suffering from severe neck pain and nothing has helped, seek out more information on pressure point therapy or obtain the help of an expert today.