Each puncture needles in specific points on the body was effective to stimulate the body to release natural pain relievers called adenosine. The results of this study reinforces the opinion that the method of acupuncture can be studied and explained scientifically.
Armed with this knowledge, experts believe the benefits of acupuncture can be combined with the cancer drug deoxycoformycin, Which keep the levels of adenosine in the body is more durable.
The study was conducted by Dr.Maiken Nedergaard and colleagues at the University of Rochester Medical Center. They do intensive research in mice given acupuncture therapy and a half hours for the group of mice who experience discomfort due to scratches.
The researchers found that levels adenosine in skin tissue close to the puncture needle 24 times higher after acupuncture therapy. And mice suffering from the discomfort that showed reduction in pain. Adenosine better known as a regulator of sleep, blocking the nerve signals and inflammatory.
Acupuncture is a treatment with acupuncture method in some parts of the body organs that are considered as points accupoint to create special effects. This treatment is not accompanied by administering potions or other drugs.
Acupuncture once considered trivial and difficult to explain rationally has now become one of the traditional treatment alternatives that are recognized in the world of modern medicine. Various scientific studies have been undertaken to uncover the mystery behind the ability of this method in curing diseases.
I agree. Acupressure is just one of a number of Asian bodywork therapies (ABT) with roots in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). According to this theory, when one of these meridians is blocked or out of balance, illness can occur. Acupressure and acupuncture in miami are among the types of TCM that are thought to help restore balance.