All in all, there are three easy ways to induce labor on your own with acupressure, and they are:
- Hoku The hoku is a spot found within the webbing between your thumb and forefinger. Massaging it by applying pressure at an angle can help to stimulate contractions, but be sure to take breaks after a while. If the point feels slightly tender - you know you've got it right.
- Bladder 32 To find this point, trace the line upwards from your buttocks crease for about one finger's width until you notice a slight dimple. Massage it for a minute or so to help induce labor.
- BL 60 Located midway between the Achilles tendon and ankle bone, you'll find this particular pressure point. It can be massaged in short bursts just like the hoku in order to help start or strengthen contractions.
While there are other ways to induce labor on your own with acupressure - these are the three that are easiest to locate and carry out. Before you try any of them however, you should definitely consult a medical expert. Acupressure is generally harmless and has no side effects - but it doesn't hurt to be safe!
Compared to various other ways to induce your own labor naturally, acupressure is without a doubt the safest option. If you've taken the time to look up other methods - you'd realize by now that most are rather far fetched or come with numerous risks attached. The golden rule with acupressure is that it will help induce labor if your body is ready for it - otherwise, it will do absolutely nothing. Needless to say, this is really ideal. After all - you don't really want to force your body into labor if it isn't ready.
Now that you know that it is very possible to induce your own labor naturally with acupressure, you can try it out for yourself! Just make sure you get permission from your doctor to try natural labor induction methods first.